Goodyear manufactures and markets tires, lines of belts, hose and other engineered rubber products
for the transportation industry and several industrial and consumer markets, as well as chemicals.
Goodyear plants
Goodyear operates more than 80 plants in 28 countries: North America: 31 plants in the United States and 8 in Canada. Europe, Middle East and Africa: 3 plants in France, 1 in the Netherlands, 6 in Germany, 4 in
Luxembourg, 1 in Poland, 1 in Slovenia, 2 in Turkey, 3 in United Kingdom, 1 in Morocco, 1 in South Africa. Latin America: 5 plants in Brazil, 1 in Chile, 1 in Colombia, 1 in Guatemala, 3 in Mexico, 1
in Peru, 1 in Venezuela. Asia: 2 plants in China,
2 in India, 1 in Indonesia, 1 in Japan, 1 in Malaysia, 1 in New Zealand, 1 in Philippines, 1 in Taiwan, 1 in Thailand. South Pacific: 4 plants in Australia.
Goodyear's mission
Undisputed leadership in our markets and in our industry is Goodyear's
goal. Our vision is to be ranked by all measures as the best tire and rubber company in the world.
Goodyear's values
For the better part of a century, Goodyear's corporate values have
been centered on the phrase, "Protect Our Good Name." Today, this is brought to life through a culture in which a committed
and competitive team of employees can excel.
Goodyear's leadership
Goodyear is the world's largest tyre company. Sales revenue in 2003
exceeded $15 billion. Goodyear is the largest tiremaker in North America and South America. In Europe and Asia Goodyear is
the second largest tiremaker.